Understand everything about the Tour de France and its vocabulary: giclette, potato hunter, gruppetto…

From Saturday 1er on Sunday July 23, 176 riders cover the 3,404 km of the major cycling race of the year: the Tour de France. A three-week race – and 21 stages – which does not really (or rather no longer) circumnavigate France, but which focuses on the mountain ranges.

To win the Tour de France, you don’t have to be the one who rides the fastest all the time. It’s all about teamwork. It seems paradoxical in an individual sport, but during most of the stages, the riders stay together to save themselves: indeed, studies show that we gain a lot of energy by placing themselves behind one or more platoon or breakaway comrades.

To understand the jargon used in the peloton or by the commentators, we offer you a generator of specific expressions.

This application presents random expressions or words of cycling like group, craving Or dancer.

A random phrase

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