Understanding the Transgender Explosion in Teenage Girls and Young Women

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The dynamics of their friendly groups, particularly in the desire to fit in and avoid conflict, can make girls and women particularly susceptible to social contagion.

By David C. Geary* for Quillette** (translation by Peggy Sastre)

The zeal to provide unwavering support and affirmation to people who call themselves trans or non-binary has created an environment that can be very appealing to young people, especially the most troubled or isolated.
© Xose Bouzas/Hans Lucas via AFP

Reading time: 10 mins

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” IMen, as we well know, think like a herd; we will see that they go mad in herds, but they recover their senses only slowly, and one after the other”, affirmed the British writer and journalist Charles Mackay (1814-1889). Knowing the extraordinary porosity of humans to the beliefs and behaviors of their congeners, and in particular the most prosperous and socially visible, makes it possible to understand the diffusion of skills and ideas in a population.

An essential process for building and maintaining cultural knowledge. But if this sensitivity has its advantages, it can however be accompanied by a major risk: generating collective hysteria taking away everything in their path.

As Charles Mackay, a pioneer of the study, wrote…

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