Unease in What a time! : Michel Drucker would have made his mea culpa to Marie Portolano

After the discomfort on the set of Quelle époque, Michel Drucker apologized to Marie Portolano. If the presenter did not speak publicly, he sent a message to his colleague.

Michel Drucker one of the best-known faces of French television. On the air since 1964, it has hosted the biggest stars in its programs. While he has had some health problems in recent years, the 81-year-old presenter does not intend to stop his career. “Stéphane Sitbon-Gomez (editor’s note: Delphine Ernotte’s right-hand man) told me that as long as I felt like I was doing my job and the public was loyal to me, I had to continue. Out of nearly 60 years of career, I have spent 55 in public service. Passion does not tire”, he confided. In the show What erathe presenter attacked the host Marie Portonalo.

Indeed, Michel Drucker questioned the host about her documentary I’m not a bitch, I’m a journalistin which several women denounce the prevailing sexism in the sporting world. “That’s the former sports reporter who’s talking to you there, Marie. Did you really suffer with your sports friends?”, he asked. Destabilized by the host’s comments, Marie Portolano reacted: “There were still a lot of them”. And to continue: “I’m not the only one to say it, since there are eighteen of us testifying in the documentary.” While the sequence caused a lot of reaction on the web, Internet users notably criticized Michel Drucker for not considering what many women experience on a daily basis.

Michel Drucker’s apologies to Marie Portolano

Journalist Salomé Saqué protested against “institutionalized sexism which allows the presenter to feel so legitimate in his remarks that he has no scruples about question the words of women in prime time on public service, without being worried, without anyone reacting on set to point out his completely inappropriate attitude”, she wrote. While he has not spoken publicly, Michel Drucker wanted to apologize as revealed by the magazine Voici. The presenter of Vivement Dimanche would have simply sent a message to Marie Portonalo. He would have decided to take this initiative without having been encouraged by the management of France Télévisions.

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