Unemployment insurance: Sophie Binet does not rule out strikes during the Olympics

The general secretary of the CGT Sophie Binet affirmed that she “could not prove wrong” to employees in “discontinuous” employment sectors (tourism, hotels/catering, security, etc.) who would go on strike during the Olympics , to protest against the new unemployment insurance reform.

This reform, which has just been decided by the government, “particularly penalizes employees mobilized during the Games because it penalizes all those who work in discontinuous employment sectors, in particular tourism, hotels, catering, security “said Sophie Binet on France Inter on Sunday. “If they decide to go on strike because the month of work during the Games no longer allows them to survive, because behind them they no longer have access to unemployment benefit because of the government reform, I will not I’m not going to prove them wrong,” she said.

“We must be exemplary on a social level”

The new unemployment insurance reform, set to come into force on December 1, notably includes a duration of compensation reduced to 15 months, and the need to have worked eight months (compared to six months currently) over the last 20 months. to be compensated. According to Sophie Binet, people who often have seasonal contracts will therefore be particularly affected.

Generally speaking, “we must keep our word on the candidacy file” of France validated by the Olympic authorities in September 2017 in Lima, added the number one of the CGT. “We must be exemplary on a social level, which is not the case today.” “In the security professions, there are many companies where there is still no bonus planned, while (employees) will be put to the test during the summer. This is not normal .”

At the SNCF, bonuses have been obtained, but “they will not concern all railway workers” and in particular “women working on telephone platforms, who will be busier” during the Games, she added.

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