Unemployment is falling – opportunities for older people in the Tyrolean job market are increasing

The number of unemployed in Tyrol fell to 19,352 (5.4 percent) at the end of November, but the fight for employees is currently intensifying. According to analyzes by the AMS, the chances for older workers are now increasing.

As of the end of November, 19,352 people were registered as unemployed in Tyrol. Compared to the previous year, this is 3,106 fewer (-13.8%). During the pandemic, unemployment had risen to 32,652 in November (2020). Now the chances of older people on the labor market are increasing: in the coming years, the so-called “baby boomers” (born between 1955 and 1969) will retire. This departure can only be partially compensated for by immigration and the entry into the workforce of those born with fewer births, since the need for personnel is also increasing, according to the AMS.Tyrol loses 2000 employees every yearIn plain language: the Tyrolean population of working age will shrink annually in the next 15 years around 2000 people! “In view of the shortage of staff, older workers are increasingly coming into focus,” says AMS State Managing Director Alfred Lercher. He is certain: “In the future, there will be no avoiding an age-friendly corporate culture, the promotion of lifelong learning and company health management.” More over 50-year-olds in jobs years increased by 2152 people in October 2022 compared to the previous year and their share of total employment also increased by 0.3 percent to 28.6 percent within one year.
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