Unhappy at work: Have you ended up in a toxic work environment?

Toxic workplace
If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, your job is not good for you

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Are you no longer really happy in your job or do you even feel drained and sick? It’s time to find out if you’ve landed in a toxic work environment.

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We spend most of our adult lives at work. This makes it all the more important for each and every one of us to find a workplace where we fundamentally feel comfortable and are respected. It’s normal that things go bumpy and there are anger and conflicts; But if the underlying feeling is stressful, you should be alarmed and ask yourself whether you have landed in a toxic work environment. Because this is harmful to your health in the long term.

The American therapist Holly Keller defines a toxic work environment in “Business Insider” as a work environment “in which negative behaviors such as bullying, manipulation, gossip and gossip are present.” And this not only affects our own physical and mental health, but even affects the quality of our private life, knows business coach Erica Hanlon.

How do I know if my workplace is harmful to me?

The job network “Xing” has developed several questions to help you better classify your workplace. Especially in toxic environments, we often blame ourselves when problems arise. If you answer “yes” to just one of the following questions, there’s a good chance you’ve ended up in a toxic work environment.

1. Ffeel you dI like a:e Lone fighter:in?

Everyone for themselves, and you alone against the rest of the world? If this is your basic feeling at work, you should listen up. Because it could be that you are deliberately isolated. According to “Xing”, toxic environments often rely on the “everyone against everyone” principle.

2. Han atmosphere of fear arises?

Are you constantly afraid of making mistakes at work and being punished for them? Then something goes wrong. Making mistakes is human and happens to everyone. In a healthy work environment, you don’t have to fear any consequences because your superiors stand by you and know what they like about you. Constantly fearing failure can undermine your confidence and stifle your creativity.

3. Are your achievements ignored?

Do you find that no matter how hard you try, you never get recognition for your work? In a toxic environment, merits are often swept under the rug and mistakes are played up. But recognition is important for your mental health.

4. One is missing clear communication?

Whether it’s about the overall strategy or just simple tasks – does everything seem unclear and nebulous? If you spend more time putting together the communication puzzle pieces instead of working productively, something is going wrong in your company.

5. Is unprofessional behavior tolerated?

Do you repeatedly experience unprofessional behavior that is tolerated? A toxic workplace can be a breeding ground for bad behavior. In healthy environments, clear boundaries are set.

6. Is your physical and mental health suffering?

Do you feel your job increasingly dominating your private life? Because you can no longer switch off, hardly have any other topics to focus on and can no longer fall asleep well? If you are often exhausted or even sick more often, you should take action because a toxic workplace can harm your health and lead to burnout and depression.

And now?

If you have realized that you are working in an unhealthy environment, you can talk to your superiors, get together with colleagues and go there together or – if available – contact the works council or other people you trust. Unfortunately, changing a toxic work culture is often difficult, according to Business Insider. Experts therefore recommend looking for a new job if possible. If that’s not possible, you should consider getting therapeutic help because your health and well-being are priceless.


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