BEIRUT (Reuters) – Israeli soldiers fired on positions occupied by UNIFIL in southern Lebanon three times, in separate incidents that left two people injured, in the past 24 hours, it has been reported Thursday from a UN source.
One of the incidents left two lightly injured on Wednesday at the UNIFIL headquarters in the town of Naqoura, two peacekeepers falling after an observation tower was hit by an Israeli tank shell , said this source.
The other incidents, one which occurred on Wednesday and the other on Thursday, did not cause any casualties. In both cases it was small arms fire, added the same source.
In a statement, UNIFIL said its headquarters and several nearby positions had been repeatedly targeted amid escalating clashes between the Israeli army and Hezbollah along the “Blue Line”. “, which designates the border drawn by the UN in 2000 between Israel and Lebanon.

She confirmed that two peacekeepers were injured and hospitalized after Israeli tank fire.
The United Nations Interim Force (UNIFIL), created in 1978 by the UN Security Council, has some 10,000 peacekeepers deployed in southern Lebanon.
(Maya Gebeily, Jean-Stéphane Brosse for the French version, edited by Sophie Louet)
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