United States: a year after the violence at the Capitol, the trauma still very present

Alexis Guilleux, edited by Manon Fossat

A year ago, thousands of pro-Trump stormed the Capitol in Washington to prevent the certification of presidential election results. Today, trauma is still present in the federal capital, and residents worry about the future of American democracy.


It was a year ago. On January 6, 2021, pro-Trump demonstrators invaded the Capitol in Washington in an attempt to prevent the certification of the presidential results and the victory of Joe Biden, thus shaking American democracy. But 12 months later, as the investigation continues and convictions rain, the trauma is still present for residents of the federal capital. Report in Washington, where the correspondent of Europe 1 on the spot met them.

The fear of a return to power of the Republicans

On the slopes of the Capitol, children and their sleds have replaced the rioters. Marc came to enjoy the snow with his two boys. He remembers his astonishment at the news channels. “I watched all these events on television. It was one of the worst days I can remember. It was an attempted coup. I don’t know how we can give another name to this that happened last year, “he says.

Hélène lives a few blocks from the Capitol. A year after the attack, she believes that the wounds of January 6 are far from being healed. “As a country, we didn’t even agree on what happened that day. I’m very worried because a lot of people miss out on good information. not all share the same facts, I do not know how we can discuss this reasonably, “she regrets.

There are still a few optimists who hope the country has learned from its mistakes. But for many Washington dwellers, like Joe, the future of American democracy is more in jeopardy than ever. “Nothing has been done to support our democracy. I am afraid of what could happen in the next two years”, he worries. The fear in particular of a victory for the Republicans, which could regain control of Parliament in November, and decide to stop the investigation on January 6.

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