United States: the Supreme Court validates the disarmament of perpetrators of domestic violence

Aviva Fried (correspondent in the United States) // Photo credit: JIM WATSON / AFP
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09:53, June 22, 2024

The US Supreme Court authorizes the disarmament of perpetrators of domestic violence. A decision adopted almost unanimously, and welcomed by Joe Biden: the president who recalled in a press release that “no victim of domestic violence should have to worry that the perpetrator of this violence can obtain a weapon “.

The United States Supreme Court has walked away with one of its most controversial decisions. In 2022, she affirmed the almost unlimited right to carry weapons outside the home, in the name of the sacrosanct second amendment to the Constitution, which authorizes citizens to own firearms.

“It’s a defeat for the arms lobby”

This Friday, the judges finally set conditions for this right. Perpetrators of domestic violence cannot obtain or possess a firearm. The Court therefore agrees with the administration of President Joe Biden, which had passed laws in this direction. Groups that campaign for gun control breathe a sigh of relief.

As Emma Brown, head of the Giffords association, explains to MSNBC: “This is a major victory for reasonable gun control. The vast majority of Americans agree. Perpetrators of domestic violence must not not have weapons. And that’s a defeat for the arms lobby.”

An indication that the Supreme Court, dominated by conservatives, is not totally opposed to re-discussing gun control and regulation. In the United States, in 2023, there will be 43,000 firearm deaths.

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