United with a partner – Puma “Pele” now beckons great happiness in love

“Pelé”, the poor puma from the box, met his partner “Missoula” in the Herberstein animal world in Styria. It wasn’t love at first sight at first.

It wasn’t exactly love at first sight, but “the basis for a friendship was laid,” says Herberstein spokeswoman Karin Winkler with a smile. “And who knows what will develop from that.” In the best case, adorable puma offspring! “Pelé” was the puma that – “Steirerkrone” readers remember – was found crammed into a wooden box in Germany; ordered illegally over the internet. He was nursed back to health in the reptile station in Munich and has been breathing East Styrian air for a few weeks. He has finally arrived at the Herberstein animal world. “But it’s getting better every day” Hotly awaited by Puma lady “Missoula”, who had lost her partner. At first they could only smell and see each other, now the dividing fence has been removed. This was not initially followed by declarations of love, but brawls. “But it’s getting better every day,” says Karin Winkler. “The two now share an enclosure, but still keep their distance. But it will be!” The Herberstein Animal World is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
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