Universal USB-C chargers: we know when it will be mandatory in France

Nathan Le Gohlisse

Hardware Specialist

June 22, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.



France is preparing to take over the European directive providing for the universal adoption of USB-C chargers for all portable electronic devices. And if the entry into force of this measure in France will not take place immediately, a date has now been set.

In this case, and as reported by our colleagues from The New Factorythe measure will apply from December 28, 2024. The public consultation dedicated to this project to adopt the European directive on USB-C was launched on June 21, we learn.

Europe wants universal USB-C chargers

As a reminder, the European directive which France should be inspired by had for its part been adopted in November 2022. It aims to prevent the marketing by certain electronics giants of proprietary chargers allowing them to differentiate themselves from the competition while sometimes distinguishing between charging times.

This practice often forces users to use different chargers for their different devices. A practice that European legislation aims to put out of play, in order to simplify the life of consumers, but also and above all, in order to reduce ultimately the production of electronic waste and the impact of our electronic devices on the environment.

In detail, USB-C chargers will be widely adopted for all portable devices requiring electrical power equal to or less than 100 W, recalls The New Factory. The EU also wants to decouple the sale of the charger from that of our electronic devices so that the consumer can, if necessary, reuse a USB-C charger that he already owns. This decoupling must be indicated on the packaging so as to inform the consumer, and manufacturers must finally mention the charging specifications, while specifying which chargers are compatible with their products. This measure will also be imposed on importers of electronic products.


And soon, France too…

France, meanwhile, does not want to rush anything. As it stands, the government wants to give manufacturers, importers and distributors time to allow them to correctly apply these new rules. It is in this context that the date of December 28, 2024 has been set for most of the electronic devices concerned. With regard to laptops, manufacturers will even have a little more time to adapt, since the entry into force of the decree will apply in their case from April 26, 2026.

As for the mission of monitoring compliance with these new obligations, it will be carried out by the ANFR (The National Frequency Agency), reports The New Factorywhich specifies that this organization will have full authority to sanction (with a withdrawal of the products concerned, for example) market players who do not play the game, such as Apple for example.

Source : The New Factory

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