UNO: Human Rights Council: One-sided positions on the report – News

The Human Rights Council is discussing the report of a UN commission and it is becoming clear how deep the divide is.

The UN Commission of Inquiry has sharply criticized Hamas and Israel. President Navi Pillay speaks of an unbelievable tragedy. Her report accuses Hamas of war crimes, including hostage-taking and systematic sexual violence. On the other hand, Pillay recognizes Israel’s right to self-defense. But the government in Jerusalem is exercising this right in a completely disproportionate manner. The result is war crimes and crimes against humanity.


Navi Pilllay, chair of the UN Commission of Inquiry, presents her report in Geneva.

Keystone/Martial Trezzini

In another report, the UN accuses Israel of using precision bombs to target schools, markets, residential buildings and refugee camps. This is incompatible with international humanitarian law, says Jeremy Laurence of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

Mother of a hostage speaks

Israel firmly rejects both UN reports and refuses to cooperate with the commission of inquiry. The UN consistently ignores Hamas’ strategy of hiding behind civilian institutions, said Meirav Shahar, Israel’s UN ambassador in Geneva.

A middle-aged woman with a white blouse and dark hair. In front of her is the sign


Meirav Leshem Gonen speaks before the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. Her daughter was taken hostage by Hamas. She accuses the UN of ignoring Hamas’ violence.

Keystone/Martial Trezzini

In the debate in the Human Rights Council on the investigation report, it was not the diplomat who spoke, but Meirav Leshem Gonen, a mother whose daughter was abused and taken hostage by Hamas. The UN, indeed the international community, trivializes Hamas’ violence and does not want to acknowledge it.

Fronts are hardened

The debate showed how the fronts are hardening with regard to the Gaza war. Western representatives, such as the French ambassador, speak of Israel’s defence as fundamentally legitimate, but their appeals to the Israeli leadership for moderation have become sharper.

Representatives of non-Western countries, including Pakistan’s ambassador, shared the UN’s criticism of Israel, but ignored that of Hamas. And for Turkey, according to its representative, it is wrong that the UN criticizes not only Israel, but also Hamas. And none of these country representatives mentioned Hamas’s terrorism at all.

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