Unprecedented USA adventure: “German Forrest Gump” wants to run 100 ultramarathons

Unprecedented USA adventure
“German Forrest Gump” wants to run 100 ultramarathons

After his triathlon world tour, Jonas Deichmann starts a unique duathlon through the USA. After cycling there, the German Forrest Gump jogs back from the west to the east coast: an unbelievable 5439 kilometers on the bike and 5041 kilometers in 100 ultramarathons.

Thousands of meters of altitude in the Rocky Mountains, weeks of sweltering heat in Death Valley – and countless nights under the stars: The “German Forrest Gump” starts on Wednesday under the Brooklyn Bridge in Manhattan on his next spectacular adventure. A year and a half after his triathlon world tour, Jonas Deichmann now wants to cross the USA with an unprecedented duathlon. In three weeks he will cycle from east to west, then he jogs back from Los Angeles to New York with 100 ultramarathons.

“It’s a little easier on paper than the triathlon around the world. But it’s definitely not a children’s birthday party,” said Deichmann. The biggest challenge is “the mental thing. It’s all about getting up every day and being up for it. No matter what happens, no matter what obstacles, no matter how far it is, you have to feel like it and keep at it.” The 36-year-old should definitely not lose this desire.

After all, with his project he is fulfilling a dream that has been denied so far. “I wanted to run around the world through the USA in the triathlon and then had to switch to Mexico because I couldn’t get in because of the Corona guidelines. In the end it was a huge stroke of luck because Mexico turned out to be the best adventure of my life”, said Deichmann. Because there he achieved celebrity status with his 120 Ironmen, TV stations gave him the nickname “German Forrest Gump”.

Four months for “awesome challenge”

And the Oscar-winning film, in which Tom Hanks runs across the USA in search of knowledge, ultimately became the inspiration for Deichmann’s latest adventure. “No one has done it like that before, an unsupported duathlon through the USA is new territory,” said Deichmann, who transports his equipment himself in special trailers: “When I ride my bike I’m very fast, because I perceive a lot of different impressions. When I’m running, I’m very slowly, other people can follow along. I perceive things very intensely.”

The combination of both is “a really great thing”. He is hoping for “many highlights”, emphasized the native of Stuttgart, he is particularly looking forward to “the combination of loneliness, tent nights under the stars or in the desert and on the other hand encounters with people. The Americans are a very crazy people and very diverse . You’re welcomed with open arms everywhere, it’s going to be great.”

With his duathlon, Deichmann collects donations for World Bicycle Relief and supports children in Africa, a sum of around 50,000 euros should be raised. A total of 5439 kilometers on the bike and 5041 kilometers on the run are on the plan. The adventurer gives himself a good four months for his “awesome challenge”; after all, he wants to celebrate Christmas in a relaxed manner back in Germany.

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