Unrest in New Caledonia – Paris sends additional forces and ends state of emergency – News

  • France is sending seven additional mobile units to New Caledonia to reinforce its presence.
  • This brings the number of French security forces in the overseas territory to around 3,500.
  • However, the state of emergency will end as planned on Tuesday.

The decision of French President Emmanuel Macron not to extend the state of emergency in New Caledonia, which has been shaken by unrest over electoral reform, shows the will of the government in Paris to initiate a process of de-escalation and restore the conditions for dialogue, the Élysée Palace said.

The move is intended to give the main political coalition of independence supporters, the FLNKS (National Liberation Front of Kanaks and Socialists), the opportunity to consult.

Macron “recalls that the lifting of the roadblocks is the necessary condition for the start of concrete and serious negotiations,” it continues.

The protests were triggered by an electoral reform that would allow French immigrants to take part in provincial elections in New Caledonia if they have lived there for at least ten years.

The indigenous Kanak population fears that this will diminish their influence. Macron visited New Caledonia last week for a one-day visit. In the hope of calming the situation, he declared that the reform would not be implemented for the time being. However, he did not heed calls for the plan to be withdrawn completely.

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