“Unsuitable means” – Eco-success: No green scam for nuclear power

Success message from Brussels in the middle of Arnie’s World Summit: Nuclear energy is not classified as “green” after a red-white-red application!

It was four o’clock in the morning in his home country when our eco-oak appeared on the huge screen in the Vienna Hofburg on Tuesday morning. Because Schwarzenegger, who had to cancel personal participation because of his film company’s Corona concerns, reported directly from a train car in Toronto. The environmental terminator is filming his “action”-packed spy thriller “Fubar” there. Arnie immediately called for the “Green Energy” crusade. And above all in the light of a humanitarian catastrophe. “Seven million people died from air pollution last year. Every death is one too many,” Schwarzenegger urged the conference participants, including Michael Regan, Director of the US Environmental Protection Agency, and the direct representative of American President Joe Biden. Our President Alexander Van der Bellen anyway… But the Californian “ecosuperman” also encourages: “With the technology that is available to us today, we can make the seemingly impossible possible. Therefore, among other things: A solar system on every roof, and in the truest sense of the word lightning fast! “Success in the fight against nuclear and gas lobby In the midst of these calls for more decisive action against the climate drama, the EU mandataries Othmar Karas and Alexander burst Bernhuber (ÖVP) and Günther Sidl (SPÖ) initiated a push against nuclear energy. A majority of MPs spoke out against the fact that investments in nuclear power and gas are classified as sustainable – as provided for in the “Taxonomy Ordinance”. As part of the EU “Green Deal”, wants to give every country the freedom to choose how to combat CO₂.
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