Until when can I make my proxy for the legislative elections?

The early legislative elections in France are approaching. The first round of voting will be held on Sunday June 30, 2024. Until when is it possible to make a proxy so that it is taken into account on this date?

A few weeks after the European elections on June 9, 2024, the French will go to the polls again. After the victory of the far right in the European elections in France, President Emmanuel Macron decided to dissolve the National Assembly. Voters must now elect new deputies, during an early vote scheduled for June 30 and July 7.

It is too late to register on the electoral roll to vote in this election. If you have any doubts about your registration on the electoral lists to vote in the legislative elections, you can still check it. Have you registered, but are not available on these dates? It is possible to make a proxy, to entrust your vote to another voter (who can only accept one proxy established in France).

Many French people have already made this choice: more than 400,000 proxies were counted between June 10 and 16.

You must make your voting proxy as soon as possible

But, until when do you have to make this proxy and for it to be taken into account for the vote on June 30 or July 7? “ There is no fixed deadline for establishing voting proxies. However, it is advisable to carry out the process as soon as possible to ensure that the power of attorney can be taken into account by the town hall of your municipality. », Indicates the French administration website.

A proxy can be established up until election day. But it is recommended not to wait until the last minute to complete the procedure on the dedicated site, maprocuration.gouv.fr. Less than two weeks before the first round of legislative elections, the sooner the better to establish your proxy.

You can already give your proxy for the next legislative elections.  // Source: Numerama
Do not delay in giving your proxy for the next legislative elections. // Source: Numerama

Will my proxy be valid for the second round of legislative elections?

If your proxy cannot be taken into account in time for the June 30 vote, what about the July 7 vote? “ A proxy received too late for a first round may nevertheless, depending on the validity date chosen, be used for the possible second round. », according to the Île-de-France prefecture.

For legislative elections, dematerialized voting proxy is possible, which can facilitate the procedures. The procedure is possible until the last moment. But, again, anticipation is strongly recommended. Make sure as soon as possible that you meet certain conditions to complete the online process: have the electronic identity card and the France Idété application. Furthermore, to obtain your digital identity certified in the application, you must plan to visit the town hall at least once.

For further

Plan Procu is criticized for its links with Emmanuel Macron // Source: Numerama screen capture and editingPlan Procu is criticized for its links with Emmanuel Macron // Source: Numerama screen capture and editing

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