UNUSUAL: he robs a grocery store with a gun from Duck Hunt

In the United States, guns are everywhere, unfortunately this leads to tragedies, but sometimes Americans prefer to use devious means to commit their misdeeds. This is the case ofa man who robbed a grocery store with a plastic gun, but not just any.

No, it was not a type replica Airsoftbut of a gun manufactured by nintendo, THE NES Zapper mostly used for playing Duck Hunt in front of his TV. But here, no virtual duck hunting with a sensor of dubious reliability, the 25-year-old American painted the toy black and held it up to a grocery store clerk to steal $300. Local police quickly caught up to him at the end of the street to arrest him, more fear than harm for the residents of York County in South Carolina.

Those nostalgic for Duck Hunt can find an accessory in the shape of a gun for the Joy-Con from the Switch to €16.99 on Amazonand this time, it will be very difficult to confuse it with a real weapon.

thumbnail editorClint008
Writer – Tester

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