UNUSUAL: when Mario Kart meets The Last of Us with Pedro Pascal, the delirious parody of SNL

Franchise The Last of Us is more popular than ever thanks to the series adaptation live action of HBO with Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey. Generally, the video game invites itself on small and large screens with a little more passion than beforeand in a few weeks, it’s mario who will be featured in a new animated film.

Pedro Pascal was this week invited to Saturday Night Livethe famous late night show American, and he lent himself to the game of parody… by filming in a fake trailer for an adaptation of Mario Kart serial HBOin the post-apocalyptic universe inspired by The Last of Us. A particularly tasty sequence, full of references to the universe of mariowith mushrooms, a princess peach disillusioned and a Luigi very borderlinewithout forgetting a chase worthy of Speed ​​Racer Or Mad Max: Fury Road, with shells and bananas. Surprisingly, variety And The New York Times didn’t like…

Maybe it’s best that this new series never sees the light of day. As a reminder, series The Last of Us keep hitting on HBO Maxand it is broadcast in France on Amazon Prime Videoyou can subscribe against €69.90 per year.

Writer – Tester

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