up to 100 euros bonus for Matmut customers… subject to conditions

Matmut announced in the middle of the week that it will pay up to 100 euros in premiums to its members for any subscription to an additional car or home contract.

Against the background of the purchasing power crisis and galloping inflation, Matmut is playing the commercial gesture card to encourage its customers to combine insurance contracts at home. The mutualist group announced in the middle of the week that it will pay up to 100 euros in premium, on the model of online banks, to its members for any taking out an additional car or home contract. For a youth main residence contract, possible up to 28 years of age, the amount paid is 80 euros. This offer is limited to the first 15,000 subscriptions, but Matmut specifies that, in the event of multiple subscriptions to eligible contracts, the advantage can be granted several times.

It is important to act concretely and at the most appropriate time. The effort devoted by the Matmut Group will be a little extra boost for many households, says Nicolas Gomart, Managing Director of Matmut.

Price increases at the end of the year?

Thursday at the Ministry of the Economy, insurers were invited to defend their pricing policy against Minister Bruno Le Maire. Contributions from insurers only increased by 2.5% last year, for example defended the general manager of Ama Adrien Couret. For their part, the complementary health especially have no room for maneuver, explains AFP Marie-Laure Dreyfuss, general delegate of the Technical Center for Provident Institutions (CTIP).

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New price increases are not mapped by the end of the year by all the players. For its part, Matmut, after record profits in 2021, recalls having frozen its health prices in 2022.

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