Up to 30 degrees warm – summer heat in the middle of spring

April started off exceptionally warm this time with lots of sunshine and temperatures of up to 30 degrees.

Bright sunshine and partly with a cloudless sky. This is what the weather looks like on the first weekend in April in Vienna, giving a first foretaste of summer. The warm foehn wind from the Sahara caused record-breaking temperatures of up to 30 degrees in the otherwise moody April. In any case, the Viennese enjoyed the mini summer. The whole city was on its feet. The blooming Prater attracted Viennese people looking for relaxation. Many recreational athletes were already on the Danube Island. The bar gardens, which had just started the season, were well attended and the ice cream parlors were stormed. One’s joy, another’s sorrow: the dry and warm weather also brought with it severe stress for pollen allergy sufferers, because the first grasses are already in the air ! But according to Geosphere Austria (ZAMG), it will remain unusually warm in the coming days. Up to 30 degrees are possible again tomorrow, Sunday and Monday. It will stay warm and sunny until Tuesday. Tuesday it should then be around 25 degrees. A change in the weather is currently only forecast for next Wednesday. In addition to numerous dense clouds, the sun could only show a little until the evening. In addition, at least short rain showers must be expected again and again. The highest temperature recorded in Vienna in April was on April 30, 2012 with 31.2 degrees in the inner city.
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