Update Firefox to fix YouTube video playback bug

Mozilla has deployed an update for Firefox which fixes a persistent problem which affected Internet users visiting YouTube. It is version 127.0.2 of the software that must be installed.

It’s a seemingly innocuous update, but it resolves a stubborn problem that Internet users have reported in recent months: launching videos on YouTube did not work well with the Firefox web browser. The testimonials all pointed to a loading time that was too long before reading.

This malfunction was addressed on June 25 with the release of version 127.0.2 of Firefox.

Fixed an issue where YouTube playback stuck under certain conditions », Details the patch note. The incident was reported in February and more recently at the very beginning of June on Mozilla’s bug tracking tool. The update also fixes another glitch, of much less importance.

Red panda
This is a Firefox that runs well. Allegory. // Source: Mathias Appel

The failure was linked to a problem with buffering of YouTube videos. There was a problem multiplexing the bitstream with the VP9 codec that Google uses on YouTube. To put it simply, there was a one-off difficulty linked to combining several digital data streams.

The VP9 codec, designed to optimize bandwidth use, is no longer young. Widely used now, including Firefox, it is about to be replaced by AV1, which is its natural successor. It already appeared on YouTube in 2018 and Firefox has supported it since 2019.

How to update Firefox

If you haven’t updated Firefox yet, and you don’t know how to do it, here’s how to do it:

  • Click “Help” in the menu at the top of the screen;
  • Select “About Firefox” from the drop-down menu;
  • In the window in the center of the screen, the current version number of Firefox is displayed;
  • If the browser is up to date, it will tell you, after a short check;
  • Otherwise, downloading the latest version will begin immediately;
  • Restart the software when prompted to do so;
  • That’s all !

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