Ursula von der Leyen concentrates all the attacks against “the Europe of Brussels”

Jérôme Macchi admits not being “very knowledgeable” on Ursula von der Leyen. The 66-year-old retiree is unable to name his position, president of the European Commission, but he was ready to whistle his name on May 25 in Marseille, during a meeting of the head of the Reconquête list! in the European elections, Marion Maréchal. “This is a lady who makes decisions in Brussels without listening to the States and even less to the people. It is rather under the influence of large American companies”justifies the member of Eric Zemmour’s party, citing among his sources “what is said”, ” Internet “ and the “Marion’s speech [Maréchal] and Eric [Zemmour] “, who, them, “want to save France”.

In public meetings of the far right in recent months, Ursula von der Leyen has challenged the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, for the prize of the most hated political personality. Mentioning his surname was enough to elicit boos and a barrage of insults from much less reactive assemblies to decipher his role at the head of the European Commission.

Present in Hénin-Beaumont (Pas-de-Calais) on May 24 to cheer the president of the National Rally (RN), Jordan Bardella, and the leader of the RN deputies, Marine Le Pen, Louis Franc imagined it “President of the European Parliament” and subject, without convincing example, to the interests of “big industries”. Samuel Meplaux, another supporter of the RN, thought so “President of the European Union [UE] »but all the same crippled by the same turpitudes: “She embodies lobbies, shenanigans and corruption, particularly on vaccines. She was not elected, does stupid things, but is never sanctioned. »

What does it matter for the RN and Reconquest! that their sympathizers do not know how to discuss the attributions of Ursula von der Leyen: the figure of the European leader was only brandished by the French extreme right in this campaign to personify the Europe of ” Brussels “ and “technocrats”, which they vilify. “It is the chemically pure incarnation of a European federalism which results in the erasure of States and peoples”summarizes Philippe Vardon, campaign director of Marion Maréchal.

Read also | Article reserved for our subscribers Ursula von der Leyen, target of all European extreme right-wingers

“Von der Leyisme”

From the Green Deal for Europe, to limit the consequences of global warming, to the pact on asylum and immigration, to strengthen the control of migrant arrivals within the EU and promote the distribution of refugees between Member States , the major legislative packages adopted under the first mandate of the former German defense minister fuel the nationalist narrative of an EU led by senior officials who, taking refuge in Brussels or Strasbourg and lacking any democratic legitimacy, would issue standards aimed at has ” to erase “ THE “nations” and the “peoples”. “It symbolizes a kind of absolute and centralized power which wishes to take advantage of all crises to establish Jacobinism in Brussels”denounces Eric Zemmour.

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