US study: Why parents are hiding a child’s corona infection

US study
Why parents are hiding a child’s corona infection

© dusanpetkovic1 / Adobe Stock

The corona pandemic was particularly hard for the youngest in society. They had to do without a lot – schools and day care centers were partially closed. To make sure they don’t miss out even more, some parents in the US have given false information about their children’s health and vaccination status, according to a study.

With a corona disease, children had to stay at home, sometimes there were strict guidelines as to how long they were no longer allowed to go to daycare and school. In the USA, numerous parents did not leave their children at home despite an infection and a positive test, according to the “Spiegel”. These findings have now emerged from a survey in which more than a quarter of the 580 respondents admitted to having given false information or intentionally ignoring safeguards.

Parents in the USA concealed the corona infection in their children

Anyone who falls ill with Corona should, if possible, inform direct contacts so that they can test themselves or, if necessary, isolate themselves. According to their own statements, this is exactly what some parents did not do. Other people who have been in contact with her child have not been informed of the infection. In addition, the parents allowed the children to break the quarantine rules.

There are many reasons why parents lied in certain situations – we have summarized five:

  • About 60 percent of parents and guardians admitted to having deceived others about their child’s vaccination status. This allowed the unvaccinated to take part in activities.
  • About 50 percent concealed a corona infection in their own child or pretended to comply with the preventive measures – in order to do what is best for their family.
  • More than 40 percent stated that they had concealed a corona infection so that their children did not miss school.
  • Around 35 percent of those surveyed stated that they had concealed a corona infection because in some cases they could not afford to interrupt their work.
  • Some mothers and fathers aged their children so that they could be vaccinated.

The study was conducted nationwide and published in the journal Jama Network Open. Because about 70 percent of the participants were women, the study does not reflect the demographic composition of the United States. The current study follows previous findings by the same research team. According to the study, four out of ten American adults deceived others about whether they had Covid-19 or were not complying with public measures.

Parental reluctance may have contributed to the spread of the virus

In the current survey, the researchers suspect that some participants lied in their answers. “Lying about lies is certainly a possibility,” Angela Fagerlin, lead author of the study, said in a press release. Still, it’s likely that at least 26 percent of parents misrepresented their children’s Covid-19 status during the pandemic. According to Fagerlin, the results are therefore worrying, despite possibly incorrect information. Parental or guardian reticence may have helped the virus spread. It is unclear to what extent the study results can be transferred to other countries such as Germany.

Sources used:, (Parental failure to comply with health policy recommendations to prevent child transmission of COVID-19)


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