USA criticizes arrest warrants requested against Israel’s leadership – News

  • The arrest warrants requested at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague against the Prime Minister of Israel and the Defense Minister are causing criticism around the world.
  • Israel’s government sharply criticized the applications because of alleged war crimes against Benjamin Netanyahu and Joav Galant.
  • The USA has sided with Israel.

US President Joe Biden was outraged by the arrest warrants. Whatever the chief prosecutor suggests, Israel and Hamas cannot be equated, he said Monday in the Rose Garden of the White House at a celebration of the achievements of American Jews in the United States. “Contrary to the International Court of Justice’s accusations against Israel, this is not genocide. We reject that.”


“We stand with Israel,” said US President Joe Biden.


US Secretary of State Antony Blinken warned that the ICC proceedings could jeopardize negotiations for the release of the Israeli hostages and a ceasefire. He also questioned the legitimacy and credibility of the ICC investigation.

Comparison with Hamas is offensive

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a TV speech on Monday that he rejects with disgust any comparison between Hamas and Israel. “With what audacity do you compare Hamas, which murdered, burned, slaughtered, beheaded, raped and kidnapped our brothers and sisters as well as the soldiers who fight a just war,” he said to chief prosecutor Karim Khan.

Germany did not criticize the ICC in principle, but questioned the parallel application for an arrest warrant against the Israeli government and the leadership of Hamas. “The simultaneous application for arrest warrants against the Hamas leaders on the one hand and the two Israeli officials on the other gave the false impression of an equation,” the Foreign Office announced on Monday evening in Berlin.

With the terrorist attack on October 7th, the Israeli government has a duty to protect its population. “It is clear that international humanitarian law applies with all its obligations,” said the German Foreign Office.

Support for criminal court signaled

The French Foreign Ministry in Paris expressed support for the international criminal court in a statement. France had already condemned the anti-Semitic massacres carried out by Hamas on October 7th. With regard to Israel, France has been warning for many months about the need for strict compliance with international humanitarian law.

International Criminal Court with sign in the foreground.


The International Criminal Court in The Hague. Behind the arrest warrants against the leadership in Israel and Hamas are suspicions of war crimes and crimes against humanity in the Gaza Strip and in Israel.

Archive/REUTERS/Piroschka van de Wouw

South Africa’s government welcomed the actions of the ICC’s chief prosecutor. The country had repeatedly called on the International Court of Justice to take measures against Israel and accused Netanyahu’s government of genocide. The UN judges have made urgent decisions requiring Israel to do everything possible to prevent genocide in Gaza and to allow humanitarian aid.

Arrest warrants not yet accepted

The judges must now decide whether the arrest warrants will actually be issued. If they consider the allegations to be confirmed, the main proceedings can be initiated against the accused.

Neither the USA nor Israel recognize the International Criminal Court (ICC). The Palestinian territories are a contracting state. Therefore, the chief prosecutor is also allowed to investigate.

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