USA: Household morale better than estimated in November-Michigan

Published on Nov 22, 2023 at 4:09 p.m.

November 22 (Reuters) – American household morale rose above the initially estimated figure in November, the final results of the monthly survey from the University of Michigan showed on Wednesday.

Its confidence index stands at 61.3 this month after 63.8 in October. Economists and analysts polled by Reuters on average forecast a figure of 60.6, with a first estimate of 60.4.

The component of consumers’ judgment of their current situation came out at 68.3, after 65.7 in the first estimate and 70.6 the previous month.

That of the outlook stood at 56.8 compared to 56.9 in the first estimate and 59.3 previously.

Inflation expectations over one year stood at 4.5% compared to 4.4% in the first estimate, while those over a five-year horizon stood at 3.2%, as in the first estimate. (Written by Corentin Chappron, edited by Blandine Hénault)

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