User voices: I love my children, even if …

User: tell inside
I love my children even if …

© Evgeny Atamanenko / Shutterstock

There is nothing stronger than love for a mother or a father. And yet our children sometimes drive us crazy. Here users tell: inside, with what special.

Yes, the little ones. Those who choose to live with children seldom regret it – and yet there are moments when you just want to give up everything. The bad: These moments are not uncommon. The laundry is piling up, the child is in the defiant phase, gets a crying fit because the apple pieces are not cut the same size and at the job there are also a lot of problems. Pooh! The good thing: You are not alone – because most parents feel the same way. How good that more and more mothers and fathers dare to admit it. On Instagram you can see more and more influencers who show the real everyday life of mothers and parenting guides have long ceased to demand perfection.

The blogger Nathalie Kluever (“A completely normal mom”) shared a visual on Facebook in which she continues the sentence “I love my children, even if …”. The colleagues from picked up their idea right away and asked the same question in the Facebook community – and got a lot of great answers. Here we have selected ten of them.

Mothers love their children, even if …

Can you find yourself here again? You probably also have a comment or two up your sleeve. If you’d like to discuss parenting issues with other mothers, then take a look at ours Community.

And very important: Make sure that the trend towards less perfection in everyday mom’s everyday life asserts itself in the long term. Talk about your fears, worries and problems. With friends, with family, in our community, whoever you can think of. With a wink or deadly serious. And also admit quite openly if something is overwhelming or if you lack the strength in some moments. This is how we ensure that the mothers’ community moves even closer together, that we support each other and that we don’t leave any mom with a bad feeling.
