Vacation: Travel for body and soul

Travel for body and soul

Whether it’s a city trip or a beach vacation – traveling has a positive effect on the body and soul.

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Stress has a negative effect on the body and soul. This is how effectively a vacation can help to strengthen the self.

A trend can be seen in Germany: more and more people of different age groups are feeling stressed in their everyday lives. Market research firm Ipsos found that in 2021, 58 percent of Germans were so stressed that it affected their daily lives. Many people want a break, a break from their routine – and they usually fulfill this wish with a trip. And traveling can actually have a positive effect on mental and physical health.

Traveling strengthens self-confidence

When traveling you often have to venture out of your comfort zone. There are certain challenges that need to be overcome, especially when traveling solo. Book a rental car? Ask a stranger for directions? These and many other challenges await you when you travel. Introverted people in particular can work on their self-confidence here and often quickly notice how they become more courageous. And increased self-confidence has many benefits. Confident people are rarely irritated by other people’s opinions and tend to process negative thoughts more quickly.

Natural fitness training

Anyone who travels, be it to nature or to a big city, will usually do a lot of things on foot. Many people’s urge to explore means that they are happy to forgo cars or public transport in order to be able to explore their surroundings in more detail. It’s not uncommon to be surprised in the evening when your smartphone’s step tracker shows tens of thousands of steps. This means you can do your daily workout on vacation without going to the gym.

Far away from work stress

Regardless of whether it’s just a week or a few months: If you can really distance yourself from your work emails and job demands while on vacation, you often benefit from a reduced feeling of stress. It’s no secret that many people feel increased stress, especially because of their job – in many companies there is a lot of time and performance pressure. Simply switching off your cell phone while on vacation and not thinking about work can help you recharge your batteries. It is not uncommon for people to increasingly pursue their hobbies and passions while traveling. After all, they have less pressure and more time to concentrate on what is really important to them.

Change of scenery

Seeing the same people and the same four walls every day can become boring and frustrating in the long run. That’s why traveling to a foreign place can help expand your mind. Sometimes people need a fresh start – be it in their living situation or at work. However, since very few people dare to make drastic decisions in these areas spontaneously, a trip can also help to gain a new perspective. It is therefore advisable to travel to a place that still seems foreign and where you have not already spent numerous vacations.


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