Vacation without a mask and Covid rules – in which countries is this possible again

Popular holiday destinations: holidays without a mask and corona rules – in which countries this is now possible again

No more tests on entry, no quarantine and no more masks either: many popular travel countries have relaxed their corona restrictions or even lifted them altogether. We show where vacation without a mask is already possible and where not.

Enjoy life to the fullest again, without corona restrictions and without the annoying mask. Holidaymakers had to wait a long time for this, but this has finally been possible again for a few weeks. Many European countries and nearby destinations have relaxed entry requirements for those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered.

The Covid rules of the holiday countries at a glance

1. Spain

On February 11, many corona restrictions were abolished in Spain – such as the obligation to wear masks outdoors and the 3G rule for access to bars and restaurants indoors as well as for all cultural, sports and leisure facilities such as theatres, cinemas, sports studios and clubs and discos.

The same freedoms apply to the Spanish islands such as the Balearic Islands with Mallorca and the Canary Islands with the islands of Fuerteventura, Gran Canaria and Tenerife, which are currently very popular.

2. France

France’s party scene was able to breathe a sigh of relief on February 16, 2022: After 18 months, clubs and discos are allowed to open again for the first time and concert organizers are allowed to offer standing room. You can eat on trains again and sell popcorn in cinemas.

Masks have not had to be worn outdoors since the beginning of February, and from the end of February no longer in cinemas, restaurants and museums. But: In buses, trains and planes, passengers must continue to wear mouth and nose protection.

3. Austria

The small Alpine republic is also slowly shaking off all corona restrictions. Since February 19, 2022, the 3G rule has been in force again in gastronomy, at events, in cable cars and in sports facilities instead of the 2G rule. Entry has also been made significantly easier – with the 3G rule.

The next major easing step will follow on March 5th, when practically all corona restrictions will be lifted. There is no longer a curfew, night restaurants and après-ski bars are allowed to open again. An FFP2 mask requirement only applies in gondolas, chairlifts with hoods, in the access areas to lifts, in public transport, shops for daily needs and pharmacies. The exception is Vienna, which initially wants to retain the 2G rule in some areas, for example in the catering trade.

4. Switzerland

On February 17, 2022, Switzerland overturned many corona restrictions: Since then, shops, restaurants, cultural institutions and public institutions as well as events have been accessible again without a mask and certificate. There are also no more restrictions on private meetings. Masks are only compulsory in hospitals, old people’s homes and on public transport.

5. Italy

A bit of Dolce Vita has returned to Italy on February 11th. Discotheques and dance halls are allowed to open again. The mask requirement outdoors is lifted. However, FFP2 masks are still mandatory on public transport, at outdoor and indoor cultural events, as well as at sporting events and competitions.

According to the Federal Foreign Office, the 2G rule applies in hotels, restaurants, bars, in cultural and leisure facilities such as museums, cinemas, fitness studios, swimming pools or ski facilities, as well as at sporting events, trade fairs and congresses and also in winter sports areas.

6. Slovenia

Since February 21, 2022, holidays in Slovenia have become much easier. Most corona measures have been lifted. The 3G rule for visiting restaurants, hotels and events as well as the curfews imposed were also dropped. The night gastronomy is allowed to open again. The country between the Alps and the Adriatic no longer requires 3G proof from travellers.

7. Croatia

In neighboring Croatia, things are not that far yet. Face masks are mandatory in closed rooms, shops and on public transport as well as outdoors if the minimum distance of 1.5 meters cannot be maintained. It is possible to visit restaurants, cafes and bars without a 3G card. However, no alcohol may be sold between midnight and 6 a.m.

There are also access restrictions and conditions on beaches – for example, deck chairs must be set up in pairs at a distance of 4.5 meters.

8. Netherlands

In view of the falling number of infections, the Netherlands also lifted most of the corona restrictions on February 25: the mask requirement only applies to public transport, train stations and airports. Restaurants, bars and nightclubs can again be visited without 3G proof and there is no longer a curfew. The following applies to entry: only with a test, vaccination or proof of recovery.

9. Great Britain

England was one of the pioneers in the easing: almost all statutory corona restrictions have been lifted since the end of January. Boris Johnson’s government relies on personal responsibility instead of state intervention. Since the end of February, even corona infected people no longer have to isolate themselves. This means that all Covid 19 rules on the island nation have been abolished.

10. Denmark

The small country in southern Scandinavia has taken on a pioneering role in Europe: It was the first country to lift almost all measures since the beginning of the omicron wave – despite high infection rates. The mask requirement fell on February 1, 2022, as did shorter opening times for bars, restrictions on meetings and the presentation of the Corona passport.

11. Sweden

The Kingdom of Sweden lifted all corona restrictions on February 9, 2022: Wearing masks, keeping your distance and stopping serving in the evening are a thing of the past. In the nightclubs you can dance until late at night again. Entry has also been made easier: Germans, like all EU citizens, no longer have to have 3G proof ready when entering Germany.

12. Norway

On February 12, 2022, the 5.5 million inhabitants of Norway were happy about the lifting of all corona measures. In cinemas, theaters and churches, as many visitors are allowed again as before the pandemic began, and the restrictions on the number of participants for meetings and the quarantine requirement in the event of infection no longer apply. Wearing a face mask is voluntary, entry works without restrictions.

13. Finland

Finland gradually ramped up normal life in February. There has been no curfew since February 1, and all restrictions on culture, sport and events were lifted in the middle of the month. Nightclubs are allowed to reopen in early March. The authorities recommend wearing a mouth and nose protector in public interiors – but it is no longer mandatory. Masks only have to be worn in some local and long-distance traffic. However, the regulations vary from region to region.

14 Greece

Since February 7th, vaccinated people have been allowed to enter Greece again without an additional test – this also applies to the popular holiday islands of Rhodes and Crete. No further easing has been issued so far.

Almost all large hotel complexes as well as campsites, youth hostels and holiday apartments welcome guests. However, restaurants, cafés and other establishments must close by midnight at the latest. Music, dancing and standing hospitality are prohibited. 2G applies indoors and 3G outdoors. In addition, there is still a general obligation to wear masks – both in public spaces and outdoors. FFP2 masks are mandatory in supermarkets and public transport.

15. Turkey

Although many corona rules still apply in Turkey, the country is currently very popular with holidaymakers. In Turkey, distance rules (at least three steps to other people), masks are still mandatory in squares, streets, markets, parks, public transport and beaches. Smoking in public is also prohibited.

An HES code is required for restaurants, hotels, shopping centers and domestic flights, trains and buses. You get this after registering online before entering the country or using a smartphone app. The following applies to entry: Vaccinated, recovered or negative corona test.

16. Egypt

Egypt also enjoys unbroken popularity among sun-seekers. Even if masks are still compulsory in public areas in the country on the Red Sea. In hotel complexes, where most package holidaymakers stay, masks usually no longer have to be worn. Entry is possible with proof of vaccination or test.

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