Vaccine pass: soon a mandatory negative test in addition to the three doses of vaccine to access certain places?

While the vaccination pass has not yet been implemented, the government is already considering adding a mandatory negative test for certain places.

Will the transformation of the health pass into a vaccine pass not satisfy the ambitions of the executive in terms of health management of the covid epidemic, in circulation in France since March 2020? Nothing is less certain if we are to believe the information spotted by The Parisian in its edition of December 24. A sentence, present in the draft bill which will be presented this Wednesday to the National Assembly for a desired entry into force on January 15, suggests that the vaccination pass will perhaps not be the only Grail necessary for the ‘access to certain public places. Faced with the impossibility of preventing infections despite a complete vaccination schedule and the strong contagiousness of the new omicron variant, the government would indeed consider requiring “cumulative supporting documents”.

The ministry wants “provide”

More precisely, the preliminary draft law indicates that a decree will fix the cases “wherein the interest of public health and the state of the health situation require cumulative supporting documents “. More simply, a complete vaccination schedule may not be sufficient to obtain authorization for access to certain places and it would then be necessary to add a negative PCR or antigen test. Contacted by The Parisian, the Ministry of Health, at the head of which Olivier VĂ©ran, confirmed that he wanted “provide” this option, which would then be inspired by some of our neighbors, in particular Germany, where the “2G plus” rule is imposed in certain places, that is to say the request for a vaccination pass and a negative test.

What about the application of such a measure?

If the measure applies, it remains to be seen under what conditions. People who have received their three injections could escape it, being satisfied with a vaccination certificate. The question of the places concerned remains for the moment in abeyance, the Ministry of Health not wishing to comment. For example, in Germany, the 2G plus rule applies to theaters, cinemas, sporting events or private tours in closed places. In Luxembourg, there are bars and restaurants.

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