Vaccine pass, Telework, outdoor mask … What to remember from government announcements

Following the Health Council headed by Emmanuel Macron, Prime Minister Jean Castex communicated from the hotel in Matignon on the measures put in place to fight against the epidemic wave of Covid-19 which is currently hitting the country.

The government is attentive to the situations in its European neighbors like the United Kingdom and Denmark. He wants to take proportionate measures to stem the spread of the epidemic while avoiding freezing the economy.

There will be no curfew or limited number of guests for New Years Day, however, the Prime Minister urged the French to be cautious, not attending big parties and inviting them to wear a mask or get tested.

The resident of Matignon has repeatedly insisted that “vaccination remains at the heart of our strategy like that of neighboring states”. The government announces it clearly, it is a question of “putting less strain on vaccinated people”.

The booster dose reduced to 3 months

“From tomorrow (Wednesday), following the recommendations of the High Authority for Health, people vaccinated for 3 months after the 2e injection ”, declared the Prime Minister. Thus, “45 million people” are concerned, specified the Minister of Health Olivier Véran.

The length of solitary confinement will soon be readjusted

The government will adjust the isolation rules for people who test positive or contact cases. The new duration will be specified by “the weekend”, added the Prime Minister.

The vaccination pass to replace the health pass

Jean Castex confirmed the bill on the establishment of a vaccination pass instead of the health pass. If the text is adopted by Parliament, the government hopes for its implementation by January 15. In places where the health pass was required, it would now be necessary to be vaccinated to enter because “the production of a test will no longer be enough”, said the resident of Matignon.

Stepping up the fight against false passes

The Prime Minister banged his fist on the table over fake passes. The war is well launched and the government wants to give itself the means to “stop it and to sanction more heavily” the offenders.

Bars and limited meeting places

The following restrictive measures will take effect from Monday January 3 and for a period of three weeks.

Indoor gatherings are limited to 2,000 people, and outdoor gatherings to 5,000. This measure particularly concerns concerts. Spectators will no longer be able to attend standing and the consumption of food or drink will be prohibited.

Customers of bars and cafes will now be forced to consume seated.

The vow ceremonies planned for the month of January have been canceled.

However, worship ceremonies and political meetings will not be affected by these measures, according to the prime minister.

Mandatory teleworking

All companies that can, must set up teleworking at least “three days a week, four when possible,” said Jean Castex. Following a consultation with the representatives, the Minister of Labor Elisabeth Borne will give details of this measure.

Mask in city centers

If no curfew should be decided before the next Defense Council scheduled for January 5, the mask will become mandatory in city centers. The prefects will be responsible for its application in consultation with the mayors.

Schools remain open

For the Prime Minister, the closing of schools is the last resort to fight against the epidemic. The start date will therefore not be postponed and college and high school students will not switch to distance work. Jean Castex, however, announced a strengthening of “surveillance and screening” in schools, “with a view to epidemiological data”.

“New rules” will be announced “by the end of the week once scientific bodies have been consulted,” the minister announced.

Overseas and the economic sector

The whole territory is not housed in the same boat depending on the epidemiological situation. Thus, the health emergency is established in Reunion and it is extended in Martinique.

Finally, Jean Castex assured that the “affected economic sectors will be compensated”, this time after consultation with the Minister of the Economy and Finance Bruno Le Maire.

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