Vaccine pass: the majority point to the inconsistencies of the Republicans

Jacques Serais

Monday evening, debates on the vaccine pass were blocked in the National Assembly. Angry, the presidential majority criticized the Republican presidential candidate, Valérie Pécresse, who said she was in favor of the vaccination pass, while the deputies of her political family blocked the examination of the text.

After being interrupted following a dramatic turn on Monday in the Assembly, debates on the bill relating to the vaccine pass resumed Tuesday evening. Orchestrated by LR deputies, Monday’s maneuver aroused the ire of Jean Castex, who blasted Tuesday during questions to the government the “not responsible” attitude of deputies. “The virus is galloping and you are pulling the handbrake,” he denounced in particular. Valérie Pécresse, Republican candidate for the presidential election and favorable to the vaccination pass, is also targeted by the majority, which points to its inconsistency.

The Republic in March tries to turn the situation in its favor and denounces a lack of clarity in the line of the Republicans. “We see the elected LR who are in total disagreement, for 32 of them (with the vaccine pass, Editor’s note). And only four who agree with Valérie Pécresse who called to support the vaccine pass when her own troops here in the Assembly voted against. The reality is that “, denounced Christophe Castaner, the president of the LREM group in the Assembly.

Pécresse responds by criticizing the government’s “unpreparedness”

Valérie Pécresse suffers the boomerang effect of the vote of the deputies of her own camp. But candidate LR, who inaugurated her campaign HQ on Tuesday, tried to defend herself. “When we bring together different sensibilities, everyone does not think the same thing. And in no political family, everyone does not think the same thing. Our position, mine, is simple. We criticize the unpreparedness of this government in the face of to this crisis. ” An arrow intended for Emmanuel Macron. The presidential campaign settles in the middle of the health crisis.

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