Vaccine pass: what will the opposition vote in Parliament?

PARLIAMENT – Presented this Monday in the Council of Ministers, the bill establishing the vaccination pass will reach the National Assembly this week. Despite hostile opposition from certain groups or parliamentarians, the text should be adopted without too much difficulty.

Time is counted. The government is meeting this Monday, December 27 in the Council of Ministers to adopt urgently and ahead of the initial schedule the bill establishing the vaccination pass. It will begin to be examined this week in the National Assembly, then from January 5 in the Senate, for entry into force on January 15.

If the far-right and far-left oppositions have expressed their hostility to this device and have expressed their intention not to vote in favor, it should be adopted without too much difficulty.

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The governing parties, if they have criticized the executive’s method and felt that this measure was taken too late, will vote in favor of this bill. “I never sign a blank check to the government, so I will wait to see the text, to know what is put in it, but in principle we will vote”, declared the president of the PS group to the National Assembly, Valérie Rabault, on December 23 on Europe 1, while since July the Socialists have spoken in favor of compulsory vaccination for all adults. Like the Republicans, the red line of the PS is the establishment of the corporate health pass, which the government has finally withdrawn from its bill. They will not vote for it if it is the subject of an amendment.

Environmentalists – who do not benefit from a group in the National Assembly – said they would look at the text and rely on scientific advice to vote. Presidential candidate Yannick Jadot noted that “The World Health Organization does not recommend compulsory vaccination (…), the scientific council does not recommend the vaccination pass”, because they consider that imposing vaccination “may be counterproductive”, he argued. From the beginning, “environmentalists have an extremely simple principle: that decisions be based on the recommendations of scientists”, had confirmed on December 22 on LCI his spokesperson, Delphine Batho, also deputy EELV.

Firm opposition from the RN and LFI

On the side of the National Gathering, the deputy Sébastien Chenu indicated that he would not vote in favor of this text. He believes that he “no use” and “crushes the freedoms of the French”. Marine Le Pen, also a Member of Parliament, denounced on December 18mber “a vaccine obligation” that the government had yet “absolutely promised not to do” and who will lead to “greater confinement of the French”.

Read also

  • Vaccine pass: if they are elected, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Marine Le Pen will put an end to it
  • Covid-19: where, when, and how? Instructions for use of the vaccination pass

The rebels should not vote in favor of the vaccine pass either. From Martinique, the president of the group in the National Assembly, Mathilde Panot, had announced that La France insoumise would use its parliamentary niche, scheduled for January 13, to “present a text that calls for an end to the exceptional health regime, which wants to take away full health power from Emmanuel Macron, and which will put an end to the health pass and the vaccination pass”.

On December 18 on TF1, the Bouches-du-Rhône deputy Jean-Luc Mélenchon declared: “I tell Mr. Castex that it is wrong to focus everything on the issue of vaccination”. “It is a mistake to think only of brutal methods to try to solve a problem”, reproaching the Prime Minister for believing that “the vaccine alone will set us free”. But RN and LFI do not have enough elected representatives in Parliament to hope to influence the outcome of the vote.

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