Vagina Fails: You should never do that to HER!

Please do not
Vagina Fails: You should never do that to HER!

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Who would have thought it, but women can do quite a lot wrong underneath. Our author explains three vagina mistakes.

By Linda Berger

While men are unabashedly happy about their penis, roll around with it or just think it’s great, for us women much that has to do with our vagina is taboo. She is at least as great as the man’s phallus. So ladies, let’s break the taboos and take care of ourselves a little better, overall of course, but also down below. Above all, the following mistakes should be avoided!

A lot of intimate care does not help a lot!

Our vagina has a smell all of its own: sour, somehow metallic or musky. Every woman perceives him differently. But some find it unpleasant, perhaps even ashamed of it. A slight intimate odor is completely normal and even a sign of a balanced and healthy vaginal flora.
Nevertheless, many women feel uncomfortable with the body’s own scent, at the same time the body care industry supports this feeling with various intimate cleansing products.

The fact is: vaginal douches, soaps or perfumed products are the absolute enemy of every healthy vagina. Because most care products are very aggressive and disturb the pH value of the vagina – the perfect breeding ground for infections of all kinds.

Did you know? Our vagina conveniently cleans itself and should only be cleaned from the outside with a little warm water. And the smell definitely makes sense, because it makes you sexy. The fragrances subconsciously have a totally attractive effect on our partner.

pain during sex? Please don’t just accept it!

If it hurts during sex, it is usually due to vaginal dryness. Around half of German women have a problem with this once in their lives. Since everything to do with the vulva and vagina is still a taboo subject that nobody talks about, many women simply accept the problem. This in turn can not only have fatal consequences for a couple’s love life, but also cause severe pain and injuries during sex. After all, moistening the vagina is essential for a fulfilling act of love.

Lubricant is then the ideal solution. This not only helps to moisten the mucous membranes, but can also be very special when it comes to lovemaking. Above all, however, affected women should do one thing: talk openly with their partner about the problem instead of being ashamed, or worse, suffering.

Research into the causes instead of creams and tinctures

Strange discharge, nasty itching and unpleasant burning – if there is a problem down below, they first try to get the matter under control instead of seeking help from a gynaecologist. Many women only turn to him when nothing works anymore. Sometimes, of course, the vaginal pills that you have obtained from the pharmacy as secretly as possible also help, but if the causes are not combated, the problems will come back quite quickly. Prevention is therefore the be-all and end-all. Vaginal creams with probiotics, for example, support a healthy vaginal flora. If this is in balance, fungi and bacteria cannot settle so well.

But ATTENTION: Contrary to many recommendations, please do not insert tampons soaked in yoghurt into the vagina. If the yoghurt is not fresh, mold spores or other germs can lead to infections. So hands off!


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