Valérie Pécresse: “Emmanuel Macron’s economic policy is the Potemkin village”

Invited Wednesday morning to the CNEWS morning show, Valérie Pécresse, LR candidate in the presidential election, strongly criticized Emmanuel Macron, comparing his economic policy to the “Potemkin village”.

“You know it’s these fake villages that we put (forward) to make believe that everything was going well in Russia when in reality behind everything was fragile,” she mocked.

If she welcomed the rebound in French growth (7%) following the recession linked to the Covid-19 economic crisis (8%), Valérie Pécresse did not fail to temper this reality.

“Our growth is financed by our imports, whereas the Germans, Belgians and Italians export massively,” she explained. And to conclude: “the reindustrialization that Emmanuel Macron speaks of is unfortunately a decoy”.

According to the Minister of Public Accounts Olivier Dussopt, France’s public deficit should be “close to 7%” of gross domestic product (GDP) in 2021.

Public debt stands at 2834 billion euros, or 115.3% of its GDP according to INSEE.

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