Alexandre Chauveau, edited by Solène Delinger
, modified to
07:13, January 15, 2022
Valérie Pécresse is going to Greece this morning for a trip on the theme of immigration. The candidate is due to meet the Prime Minister and visit a migrant control center on the island of Samos. What are the challenges of this trip to Greek lands? Europe 1 takes stock.
Less than a month after her trip to Armenia, Valérie Pécresse is heading to Greece to talk about immigration. She must meet the Prime Minister and visit a migrant control center on the island of Samos. What messages is candidate LR trying to convey, just three months before the first round of the presidential election?
Credibility of her stature as a stateswoman
There is a triple challenge in this trip to Greek lands. First, Valérie Pécresse wants to talk about something other than the health crisis, a theme that the right criticizes the executive for having imposed, and which has obscured the rest of the subjects for a month. Then, she wishes to put forward her proposals on immigration: to strengthen control at the external borders of the European Union, and to organize the processing of the right of asylum at the border.
Finally, by going abroad for the second time in this campaign, Valérie Pécresse tries to give credibility to her stature as a stateswoman, and to continue to set up the match with Emmanuel Macron. She is trying to get out of the three-way competition at all costs with Marine Le Pen and Éric Zemmour, with whom she is neck and neck in the polls.
Pécresse losing momentum?
Internally, if no one is really sounding the alarm, his campaign raises some questions. A tenor speaks of a “slack”, others evoke a “false dish”, after the dynamic that had carried her since her appointment to Congress at the beginning of December.
Several executives thus encourage him to make symbolic trips for his electorate and to formulate proposals that mark the spirits. “There will be surprises”, promises those around him, for whom the campaign will only really begin when the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron declares himself a candidate.