Valheim’s Mountain Update launched, with a new type of dungeon and new resources

The long-awaited Valheim update is finally out. On March 1st, Coffee Stain deployed on public servers the Mountain Updatewhich adds new exploration areas in the snow biome. The main novelty, which some had already been able to test in beta, is the Frost Caves, frozen caverns in the mountain, similar to swamp crypts or dark forest burial chambers. These underground dungeons offer new enemy types, three different, with new resources and materials to craft new weapons and armor. Be careful, for the generation of new caves to work, you have to go to an unexplored area, specifies the patch.

The developers also take the opportunity to announce that the Mistlands, the sixth biome that should arrive in the next update, is still in the pipeline and is progressing well. Again, new enemies and new drops are expected, with a final boss. Waiting for, this patch 0.207.20 on Steam also brings some improvements and bug fixes. A birthday horn to drink your favorite Scandinavian beer is added, and the editor mainly announces a full controller support plus an optimization for Valve’s new Stream Deck.

Here is the general list of additions of the patch then, if you are not afraid of the spoiler, the complete list with in particular the list of equipment, resources and enemies of the new biome.


New Content:

* Suddenly…Frost Caves!
* Anniversary drinking horn added. Skål!

Fixes & Improvements:

* Pause function in singleplayer
* Full controller support! (Gamepad legend and alternative glyphs)
* Gamepad text input when running through in steam big picture mode
* Fixed UI, settings and Steam Deck
* FPS Limiter and reduced background performance
* Split dialog can take numeric input
* Signs can now be built without a workbench
* Bug fixes and quality of life improvements
* Armor stand now supports atgeirs and shield styles
* Nomap fashion tweaks


DETAILED PATCH NOTES (Beware of spoilers)

New Content:

* Frost Caves added as a new dungeon (Will only appear in unexplored areas)
* New enemies: Ulv, Cultist, Bat
* New crafting materials: Red jute, Fenring hair, Fenring claw
* New armor set: Fenris Coat, Fenris Leggings, Fenris Hood (equip all at once for an extra bonus!)
* New weapon: Flesh Rippers (Fists)
* New build pieces: Red jute carpet, Red jute curtain, Standing brazier
* New event: “You stirred the cauldron”

Fixes & Improvements:

* FPS limiter setting and option to reduce GPU usage when minimized, FPS menu capped to 60
* Various console command improvements and additions, see console ‘help’
* Fixed some dungeon parts not being fully deterministic (ends)
* Nomap mode improvements (vegvisr alternative, nomap is server setting, max distance for shouting, random build/spawn rotation, ‘noportals’ command)
* Resolution now only shows refresh rate when forcing exclusive fullscreen
* Various UI fixes
* Changed name of Unarmed skill to Fists
* Helmets covering the player character’s face should now hide beard
* “Reduce background performance” is available as a setting
* Recipes for Jack-o-turnip + Yule stuff disabled

Quality of Life:

* Building marker is more subtle and indicates piece rotation
* Corpse run gives carry weight bonus to compensate for unequipped belt
* Crafting stackable items while having full inventory now possible if there are are available stack slots
* Fixed a bug where sometimes stackable items won’t be taken when having full inventory and pressing ‘Take All’ in a chest
* Chat can now be closed using esc, mouse or gamepad B

Gamepad support:

* Full controller support!
* Controller legend visible in pause menu and settings
* Controller text input when running in Steam big picture mode. Chat, characters, signs, pets etc can now be named using the controller.
* Controller mapping of all game features
* Context menus will now always show controller buttons when using controller
* Alternative controller glyph style option
* Skills window scrollable with gamepad
* Crafting can be canceled if pressing the button again (like with mouse)
* Fixed some missing/misplaced gamepad tooltips

Steam Deck:

* Steam Deck controller layout shows when playing on Steam Deck
* Loads default settings catered to the Steam Deck


* Improvements for several community translated languages

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