VALORANT: Bulldog and Stinger changes in 4.07

Valorant, update, update, agents, riot games, patch, 4.07

Several small changes are to be noted in the new VALORANT update 4.07 which has just been launched.

Patch week continues at Riot. After those of League of Legends and TFT, it’s VALORANT’s turn to be updated with 4.07 which is deployed on the servers this April 12. A rather light update this time, with some repairs and balancing on the side of weapons and agents. There is a slight nerf to the Stinger and the Bulldog on accuracy.

On the server side, new ones have just opened in Latin America to reduce matchmaking time. Check out the full notepatch here:


  • We’ve added a new set of servers in Latin America, which should reduce latency in that region.

    • They should go live shortly after the release of patch 4.07!


  • the Bulldog and the Stinger now delays fire commands when switching from hip fire to aim fire.

    • This prevents you from enjoying the precision of Burst mode before you have finished raising your weapon.
    • This adds a small cost to switching to Burst mode mid-combat.
    • You can still fire immediately when you switch back to hip fire/automatic fire.

  • Weapons from skills* can now also be buffered in order to be equipped after the current action.

    • *This includes: Chamber’s weapons and Neon’s, Jett’s and Raze’s ultimates.


While we hunted down the bugs, the agents hunted down their own prey. Head to the training ground to find out more.


  • Loads on the buy VP page should now only take a few seconds (previously they could take over thirty seconds in some cases).


  • We implemented new detection methods for various AFK-like behaviors in rotating game modes.

    • Also remember that no discriminatory behavior is tolerated in VALORANT. Behaviors of this kind that are reported to us will be studied on a case-by-case basis and we will decide on an appropriate sanction. We will update our Code of Conduct to be more specific and to avoid misinterpretation. — The DS&J team



  • Fixed a bug where Yoru could use a weapon immediately after his ultimate by exploiting an unintended interaction with the strings.
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to defuse the spike while channeling skills.
  • Skye’s Stalkers can once again break down Ascent’s destructible gates.


  • Fixed a bug where players with restricted comms couldn’t hear their team’s voice chat.
  • Fixed a bug where players were not always immediately kicked out of the game after being banned.


  • Fixed a bug where performance bonuses appeared at the wrong time.


  • Fixed an issue where you could end up with the spike in your hand instead of your last equipped weapon when briefly pressing the “Use Spike” button to plant the spike.

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