VALORANT: Detailed Chamber nerf – VALORANT

It’s always difficult to keep a balanced meta in a competitive game, which is why new Agents are rarer than the first months after the release of VALORANT, so as not to disturb the strengths and weaknesses too much. But sometimes some are deemed too powerful, as Chamberwhich also monopolizes the third list of the best Agents.

To counter this, and make Chamber a little less strong, while retaining what makes him an interesting Agent to play, Riot Games will apply a nerf to him with the next update. However, these changes have already been detailed, so that the community can know what is in store for them.

Detail of Chamber’s nerve

The objective is that Chamber continues to be a very interesting Agent to play at the level of strategy, while granting more counter possibilities to opponents. Thus, it will take more intuition to play it, while the riposte should be more common. For example, its teleportation distance is reduced, so that the opponent can better anticipate movements.

You can discover all the changes for Chamber below, as shared by Riot Games.

Headhunter (A)

  • New stability curve
    • Increased dispersion after the 2nd bullet on repeat shots. This is explicitly aimed at reducing the viability of random barrage as a method of combat.

Appointment (E)

  • Chamber now only places a single beacon he can teleport to when in range
    • Enlarged radius 15m >>> 26m
  • Removed height limit for teleportation
    • You will be able to teleport to the beacon even from another level, as long as you are within its range.
  • Increased equip duration out of teleport 0.4s >>> 0.7s
    • Headhunter is not affected by this change.
  • Destroying the Rendezvous Beacon now disables it for the rest of the round, instead of giving it a cooldown.
  • Chamber no longer triggers additional cooldown when recalling his beacon after teleporting.

Trademark (C)

  • Trap range is now limited.
    • Trademark deactivates when Chamber moves out of range, and reactivates when he returns.
  • It can be recalled during the round.
    • No line of sight required.
  • 30s recovery after recall.
    • Its destruction is always final.
  • Arming time on pose increased from 2s >> 4s
  • HP increased 1 >>> 20

Feat of Strength (X)

  • Fire rate reduced by 57.5%


  • Relates to Trademark and Tour de Force
    • Duration reduced from 6s >> 4s

Once the revamp is available, the developers will study how players adapt, to see if adjustments are necessary or not.

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