Valorant: Do we need an Honor system like in LoL?

Photo: Riot Games

The video game community is capable of the best, as well as the worst. For example, we can welcome solidarity initiatives, such as the Z-Event where the Speedons. But when you play online, alone in front of your PC, you can also come across real fanatics who spoil your experience or even your entire evening. League of Legends is famous for its toxic members, but Valorant also has its share of cancerous players… You could even say that the FPS offers even more frustrating situations, because the voice chat is directly integrated into the game!

A Valorant player submitted a rather interesting idea on Reddit : to create a honor and recommendation system. Sanctions are not always sufficient to change mentalities and behaviors. But Riot Games could, as in LoL, encourage players to be exemplary by offering gifts.

How does it work in League of Legends?

In League of Legends, it is possible to honor one of your teammates at the end of the game, in defeat as in victory. You have to choose between three reasons: Cold blood, Great Leader and friendly. During the year, you stack the points and you can increase your level. Initially, everyone starts Honor 2. But it is possible to go up to Honor rank 5, for the most honorable players. Obviously, depending on the postponements and possible sanctions, it is also possible to see your rank go down… You had to think and control it before flaming your teammates!

At the end of the year, the most honorable players receive rewards depending on their rank: beacon skins, champion skins, emotes and key fragments. It’s better than nothing, but the majority of the community wants more. Riot Games has heard the complaints and promised to do better at the end of the 2022 season. All the more reason to keep you even closer than usual!

What type of reward can we expect in Valorant?

The system could very well be entirely transposed in Valorant. The notion of leader is particularly important on this FPS, since the shotcall is often decisive during the games. The idea is all the more brilliant as in the game, the harassment often goes even further than in LoL… The voice chat is directly integrated and several players have shared blood-curdling experiences on the networks. When some hear a woman’s voice, they may behave like the worst of animals. In addition, when you die in Valorant, the camera is placed directly on the point of view of a teammate. This can help you, but also criticize the slightest of your actions live.

There is also the question of rewards. Valorant offers very little free content. Weapon skins are very expensive and it’s unclear if Riot Games is ready to make a move. On the other hand, one can easily imagine receiving cards or some sprays free… not sure, however, that that’s enough to encourage players to behave themselves.


The French community of Valorant was able to give its opinion on the networks to elect its MVP in VRL France. Unsurprisingly, it was a player from Karmine Corp who won the votes… Even if the team finished in 3rd place in the regular season, KC’s popularity spoke.

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