Valve activates the transfer of games from a PC, no need to redownload them

A new Steam feature will greatly benefit owners of Valve’s portable console. This allows you to transfer games directly from your PC to another device, without having to download them a second time. This greatly reduces data and energy consumption.

Credits: Valve

For many players, the Steam Deck has been a small revolution in their daily lives. Having access to its Steam toy library, or even Game Pass and another store for the more adventurous, from anywhere, not to mention the possibilities offered for streaming from other consoles, there is enough to completely revise its way of playing. However, these benefits come at a significant cost.

Playing its Steam toy library of course, but on condition of downloading the games concerned one by one a second time. An operation that can be relatively long depending on the title, but also consuming data and energy, all for games that the user already owns. Fortunately, Valve is preparing to solve this problem for all its users.

The Steam Deck will stop wasting players’ time and data

In its client’s latest beta, Gabe Newell’s firm is indeed activating a feature eagerly awaited by players. The latter can now transfer their games directly from a device where it is installed to another. In other words, they can use their local network to send a game from their PC to their Steam Deck, without going through Valve’s servers.

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Suffice to say that this will greatly facilitate things, especially for players who do not yet benefit from a very high speed connection (and who risk playing titles that weigh more than 100 GB). Transfers will thus be much faster and less energy-intensive. Note that the option is also functional with all devices on which the user is connected with his Steam account, or even with accounts connected to the same local network.

Source: Valve

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