Valve launches Steam Replay 2022, a summary of your gaming habits this year

Steam Replay is Valve’s new page that features a series of fun statistics about your year of play. This page has been made popular by events like Spotify Wrapped and other similar events at many companies.

A few days ago, Sony and Nintendo made available a personalized summary of their year 2022 with the PlayStation Wrap-Up and the Year in Review on Switch. Now it’s up to Valve to do the same on Steam, its PC video game platform and Steam Deck. Named Steam Replay, this report will summarize your gaming habits in 2022.

Whether it was your best year or a year you’d rather forget, playing games was (hopefully!) a reliable fun escape the company said in its announcement blog post. ” From your top games of the year, to how and when you spent the most time playing, Steam Replay presents a recap of your time on Steam in 2022 “.

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How to access your 2022 Steam Replay?

To access your Steam Replay, you can go to the top of the Steam store page and click on “News and Trends”, then on “Steam 2022 Review”. This summary will show you metrics such as your most played games, the number of individual sessions you have started for a gameand even the split between your PC and Steam Deck games.

Steam Replay even has sharing options so your friends can see your own replay if you want. Better yet, you can even generate images to share on different sites such as Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and even TikTok.

Note that Steam Replay takes data between January 1 and December 14, 2022, and does not include play in offline mode, which is why the measurements may seem incomplete to you. If you happen to go offline to avoid being disturbed by messages from your friends, it’s likely that your summary is skewed.

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