Varicose veins: how to recognize them? : Current Woman Le MAG

A varicose vein is an abnormally dilated vein causing poor venous return of blood from the legs to the heart. It is one of the consequences of venous insufficiency”, explains Dr. Katia Salloum, angiologist. When venous insufficiency is not treated, it exposes the patient to many complications, both chronic and acute. In case of venous insufficiency, the blood stagnates in the veins. As the wall of the veins is thin and elastic, it expands due to the stagnation of blood, thus causing the appearance of varicose veins.

Recognize the symptoms of varicose veins

Varicose veins are quite easily recognizable. “The symptoms are mainly marked by heaviness in the legs, pain, tingling, edema”, details the angiologist. Varicose veins can also cause itching, with the appearance of eczema, burning sensations or electric current in the legs. “At the most advanced stage of venous insufficiency, we can see the appearance of what are called varicose ulcersa leg wound that does not heal”, adds Dr. Salloum.

Varicose veins: what are the risk factors?

There are a number of risk factors for the development of varicose veins. “A sedentary lifestyle and tobacco, by causing a loss of tone and motricity of the venous wall, promote varicose veins. This is also the case for prolonged standing (waiter, hairdresser, cashier, etc.), heredity and pregnancies, especially if they are close together.”, explains the angiologist. The latter also recalls that overweight and obesity are important risk factors. The legs experience higher pressure and therefore there is a decrease in venous return. “When the BMI exceeds 25, the person has a 25% chance of having varicose veins.”, specifies the specialist.

Varicose veins: what can they be confused with?

Varicose veins and varicosities are not the same thing! “Varicosities are not varicose veins strictly speaking, they are small unsightly veinlets on the skin surface of blue or purplish color but totally asymptomatic”, recalls Dr. Salloum.

Thanks to Dr Katia Salloum, angiologist

Cardiology Damremont Paris Montmartre

Read also :

⋙ Venous insufficiency: causes, symptoms, complications, risks, treatment

⋙ Varicose veins: causes, symptoms, risks, treatment

⋙ Treatment of varicose veins: beware of adverse effects

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