Vasyl Chymynez: – “Currentzis is part of Putin’s system”

The Ukrainian ambassador in Austria finds clear words before Teodor Currentzis’ first appearance at the festival.

Teodor Currentzis is a star conductor, exceptional artist and enfant terrible of the classical music scene. The Greek-Russian Currentzis has received a lot of criticism for his previous silence on the Russian attack on Ukraine. His orchestra and choir MusicAeterna is funded by Russia’s sanctioned VTB bank. Teodor Currentzis and his choir have their first performance at the Salzburg Festival today, Tuesday. In the run-up, the commitment was criticized from umpteen sides. Clear words came from Wassyl Chymynez. The ambassador of Ukraine in Austria attacked the festival in April in a “Krone” interview for its decision. However, the performance of the conductor and his musicians continued. Shortly before the start of the festival and Currentzi’s first appearance, the ambassador spoke again with the “crown”: “While bombs are falling on Ukraine, a Currentzi orchestra will play on the highest stage in Austria,” said the outraged ambassador. “Putin’s war is an attack on all of Europe” Chymynez stressed that all public calls have not been heard so far. The diplomat also sees the commitment as a lack of respect for his compatriots. “There were no moral consequences!” With Currentzi’s performance tonight, the Salzburg Festival showed a cynical, amoral disrespect for the Ukrainians. “The Salzburg Festival is in line with the Putin system. Currentzis is part of this system.” The ambassador is also confused by the fact that Europe has still not recognized the scope of the war: “Putin’s war is an attack on the whole of Europe. To his values ​​and also his free order.” When asked by “Krone” they did not want to reveal how the festival is preparing for possible disturbances or protests about Currentzi’s performances. However, the security concept is regularly adapted to current risk situations, according to a spokeswoman. The Salzburg police are relaxed about the appearance. There were no special dangers.
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