Vélib’: audit in sight on repeated malfunctions

ANALYSIS – The intermunicipal union SAVM threatens its service provider Smovengo with a penalty of 9.7 million euros.

Is Vélib’ threatened? The shared bicycle system in Paris and its suburbs is at the heart of a showdown between Smovengo, the private operator of this service, and the SAVM (Syndicat Autolib’ Velib’ Métropole), the group of 60 municipalities which chose in 2017.

The latter will launch an audit on the management of the Velib’ in the coming weeks, the conclusions of which are expected in the fall. Among the topics to be covered: why are a large number of bicycles out of order? What can be done to avoid having empty stations at peak times? Will Smovengo one day be able to make Velib’ work properly?

“The service delivered is not at the expected level”

“I would prefer that in the end I be told that Smovengo will be able to deliver a satisfactory quality of service, but I do not exclude any path, including the termination of the contract, the resumption of the service under management or in public service delegation ( DSP)», warns Sylvain Raifaud, adviser (EELV) of Paris and president of the SAVM. Cancel the contract. The threat is brandished, even if the possibility…

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