Vendée: an 8-year-old girl dies drowned, her hair sucked by the pool drain

The firefighters and the Samu went to the scene, but they were unable to revive the young girl.

A drowning took place in a campsite in Les Sables-d’Olonne this weekend, reports Ouest-France. An 8-year-old girl drowned on Saturday July 30 in a swimming pool after her hair got stuck in the installation’s drain. Located at the bottom of the pool or on the side, it allows the flow and filtering of the water.

A lifeguard and a witness to the scene tried to help the young Dutch tourist. The firefighters and the Samu went to the scene, but they were unable to revive the young girl. The lifeguard was taken care of psychologically and an investigation was opened to determine the causes of this fatal accident. In 2021, nearly 1,500 drownings, 400 of which proved fatal, took place during the summer period.

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