Venezuela: Maduro bans social network X for 10 days

CARACAS (Reuters) – Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro said he has signed a decree banning access to the social network X in the country for 10 days.
Nicolas Maduro has often criticized the social network’s owner, Elon Musk, since the July 28 presidential election.

Venezuela’s electoral commission has declared Nicolas Maduro has won a third consecutive term, an announcement that sparked a wave of protests across the country as the opposition claimed victory.

The protest movement was organized in particular on social networks.

Nicolas Maduro had already asked his supporters this week to prefer the messaging apps Telegram or WeChat to WhatsApp, saying the app was being used to threaten the families of soldiers and police officers. (Mayela Armas and Vivian Sequera; writing by Oliver Griffin; French version by Camille Raynaud)

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