Venom: what does the post-credits scene of the Marvel movie mean?

If you stayed during the credits of “Venom”, broadcast last night on TMC, you could discover a bonus scene, which announces heavy for the continuation. Did you miss any details? We take stock. SPOILER WARNING!!!

WARNING – The article below contains spoilers as it details the post-credits scene of “Venom” (and the contents of the sequel that hit theaters last October). Please move on if you haven’t seen it yet. For the others, go a little lower.

It has now become a tradition: any self-respecting superhero film must have its post-credits scene, this bonus in the form of a wink or an announcement of what the writers and producers have in store for us. for the sequel. First element of the universe that Sony wanted to set up with the Spider-Man catalog but without the Spider-Man, Venom, broadcast last night on TMC, is no exception to the rule.

A few months after the end of his first solo adventure, we find Eddie Brock, once again a journalist, on his way to a prison to interview an inmate who has expressly asked to meet him. A man whose name we’ll never know until the credits tell us, but whose legend precedes it.

Because Eddie is warned that he risks ending up in pieces if he does not respect a few safety instructions. He then enters a huge cell in the middle of which is… a cage. Inside, a man with curly red hair played by Woody Harrelson, announced to the casting of the film before being totally absent from the photos and trailers, and even from all the promotion.

And for good reason: the actor finally has only one scene, this one, in which he welcomes the anti-hero with a reference to the “investigator-serial killer” face-to-face, by proposing to go beyond the cliché.


The future enemy of Venom is revealed…

Which does not prevent him from playing the mystery card and, above all, from announcing that there will be “a carnage” upon his release from prison, knowing that the word could have been written with a “VS”, since the dialogue very clearly announces the arrival of Carnage in a sequel. From his real name Cletus Kasady (which appears opposite that of Woody Harrelson in the credits following the scene), the latter is none other than a serial killer contaminated by a symbiote which mixes with his blood, gives him a red appearance and makes him even deadlier than Venom.

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But why then not having made Carnage the antagonist of the first opus, just to start in style? “We firmly believed that the first film needed a space to build itself”replied the director Ruben Fleischer on this subject to Collider.

“I think Carnage is the character that everyone, especially the fans, wants to see in the world of Venom, but we didn’t want to spoil him in the first movie.”he continues. “This one is exclusively focused on Eddie and Venom, their relationship and character building. From there, we felt the need to give them space. And choosing the most formidable of their opponents felt like a sequel to us. as brilliant as it is natural.”

The character of Carnage is to be found in the feature film Venom: Let The Be Carnage, released in theaters last October.

False Fitting: the blunders and errors of “Venom 2”

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