Verena Brunschweiger: "Not having a baby – for the sake of the environment"

When a woman decides to have children these days, it still causes horror and incomprehension. A woman who does not want children is often confronted with critical questions. How do you not want children? Why on earth?

The German teacher and author Verena Brunschweiger (38) was so annoyed by the fact that she was repeatedly asked why she chose children that she bundled all of her answers in one book and published it in 2019. The topic made a big splash because the book has it all.

In "Child-free instead of childless: a manifesto", the active feminist, sociologist and philosopher Verena Brunschweiger answers in detail why she chose to live without young people and was extremely annoying to millions of people with children. Because, among other things, the thought of our environment played a crucial role for Verena Brunschweiger in her children's decision. She says:

A child is the worst thing you can do to the environment. Every child not born into the world means CO2 savings of around 50 tons a year.

With this controversial statement, Verena Brunschweiger relies on a Canadian study. In addition, according to Brunschweiger, her child-free lifestyle is also a rebellion against social expectations and a feminist decision. "The whole culture is geared towards wanting children," explains the author in an interview with the Austrian "Kurier". The status of women is still very closely linked to the role of a mother.

Verena Brunschweiger deliberately speaks of "child-free" instead of "childless". The latter relates to women who cannot get pregnant even though they want a child. "Child-free" on the other hand stands for, according to Brunschweiger, "to have made a profound and reflective decision".

"Why 'too radical' is just radical enough"

Now the author adds another book and reports in the title "The Childfree Rebellion – Why "too radical" is just radical enough"of the reactions to her first book. In addition, she explains again in detail why she decided against children.

Verena Brunschweiger also explains more about the background of this personal decision in this interview with from April 2019: Ms. Brunschweiger, you are a convinced "non-mother": When and why did you decide against children?

Verena Brunschweiger: In principle, it was a process: the more I read about climate change, the more my decision was consolidated. I mainly receive the Anglo-American press, where it has long been known that not having a child is by far the greatest individual contribution to environmental protection.

Have you never had any doubts about your decision?

I am "first" 38 … Maybe in ten years I will have doubts, but I don't think so, since I approach the topic rationally and will always be proud that I have contributed to the fact that it was not the same for us in 20 Years of fighting for vital resources.

How did your husband react to your decision against children?

As I expect from a feminist: positive! He supports me in every decision I make. In addition, as a math teacher, he can think logically well and immediately understood my explanations.

They claim: "Children are one of the worst things you can do to the environment". Why?

All other contributions to environmental protection that are possible individually, such as avoiding flying and eating meat (I do, by the way, additionally), taken together, result in only a tiny fraction of the CO2 savings per child per year – in this respect, this is a clear, frightening one Fact.

Based on the demands of the scientists of the "Club of Rome", you think it is a good idea that every woman who does not have a child for the sake of the environment should receive a bonus of 70,000 euros at the age of 50 – do you really believe that many women are for one would such a premium waive children?

It's more about promoting and supporting women who are already deciding – without a bonus – for an environmentally and responsible lifestyle, and not just always the others.

What do you think could be achieved if more people did without children?

The unstoppable climate collapse could at least be slowed down. I would like it if there were still large living animals in 20 years and air and water for everyone who is already there.

You also believe that families should no longer receive state support. Why this?

See above … I wonder why a project that is so harmful to the environment is funded. I quote from the foreword to my book: 'Bringing children into this world is like carrying wood to a burning house'. In 2019 we should actually be further and know that if you run out of air and water, you will no longer need a pension …

In your book you also complain about the "anti-social behavior" of mothers. What exactly do you mean by that?

Thank God that is only a small group of mothers and fathers who do not want to or cannot fulfill their educational mandate. For example, if you let your children play soccer in the living room for hours, even though people want to work underneath, I find it a disaster.

Do you feel discriminated against as a childless woman?

I am a child-free woman and as such I actually feel discriminated against in pronatalistic Germany. It's completely different in other countries …

Having no children is also a feminist decision for you. Why?

Giving birth is the most important patriarchal imperative, so that is out of the question for me. I also do not fulfill the other imperatives (hair coloring, etc.). I dislike any doctrine that women want to reduce to their bodies. As a mother, you can easily become dependent on all sorts of things, expose yourself to physical risks, etc. In addition, I do not allow right-wing parties to get involved in their birth war.

When you ask parents why they chose children, many say: out of love. Your children are the greatest happiness on earth for them. Do such feelings not matter to you?

Of course, otherwise my husband and I would not have seriously considered whether we might want to become parents ourselves … But the numbers then led us to make a more considerate decision. It is not a purely private decision; it always affects everyone.

If it were up to you, would it be optimal if people had no children at all and mankind died out one day?

I personally am not at VHMT (Voluntary Human Extinction Movement – ("A movement that advocates the voluntary extinction of mankind," editorial note)), but can understand the position well, since it would of course be very relaxing for the rest of the biosphere … But the "ideal" number of 38 million for Germany – I think that would be good, then maybe there will be 30, not already in 20 years of resource wars here with us. Unfortunately, our current number means that we would need more than 3 earths – and we only have one.

You work as a teacher and spend a lot of time with children. Do you now have difficulties in your job as a result of your hostile statements?

We are currently on vacation … Besides, my comments are in no way hostile to children; only stupid and or bad people misunderstand me (on purpose?). As I have emphasized several times, it is not about children who are already there, but about potential new ones. I address young couples who are considering whether they want a child or not.

You also write that you should actually get a discount from airlines if a child screams throughout the flight and disturbs other passengers. Do you think that more should generally be done for "childless" people in Germany?

Child-free and childless people have no lobby or voice in Germany. I want to change that.

Many people today are afraid of polarizing statements because they fear a shit storm. How is it with you

To be honest, I'm not itchy. But in my second book I fearlessly took on the entire porn and prostitution industry, so courage is a characteristic of mine …

Violent criticism for the teacher

Verena Brunschweiger was heavily criticized for her theses. On social networks, for example, it was read that their statements were "inhuman" and "their immediate removal from school was well justifiable and advisable." Parents are annoyed by the renewed debate about who is the most damaging to the climate and who should receive how much support from the state and why.

Rejecting the Brunschweiger manifesto, the chairman of the German Teachers' Association, Heinz-Peter Meidinger, also commented on the "Bild": "I hope that the lady as a teacher has shown more empathy for her students than these unspeakable statements fear."

However, there were also voices that protected the author and signaled understanding of her positions. A woman wrote on Twitter, for example: "Twitter discussions are always so extreme. You can admit that putting children into the world is polluting the environment, and still be happy for people who want and have children … Jepp , both is possible."

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