Verona Pooth and Dieter Bohlen: That was how they met again on the plane after 15 radio silence

Verona Pooth and Dieter Bohlen
So it was their reunion on the plane after 15 radio silence

Verona Pooth and Dieter Bohlen were once married lovers.

© imago / APress

Verona Pooth and Dieter Bohlen were married for a short time. How unusual the reunion was 15 years later, says her son San Diego Pooth.

The ex-married couple Verona Pooth (52) – at that time still Feldbusch – and Dieter Bohlen (67) met unexpectedly on a plane from Düsseldorf to Hamburg. How this moment was, tell Verona and her son Diego Pooth (17), who was also there, in their new Poothcast episode. Accordingly, Bohlen was already sitting in the front row when the two got in. The two celebrities recognized each other: he held out his hand to her and said “Hello Verona” very nicely. She also shook his hand and said “Hello Dieter”. “After 15 years”, Verona Pooth recalls the beginning of the meeting.

In the airport bus, Pooth and Bohlen would have talked to each other again, this time son San Diego remembers the strange situation: “Then you talked a little. Dieter Bohlen and Verona Pooth talk ‘not talking’ after 15 years and a marriage. What do you mean how dead quiet it was on the bus? “said the teen. “You would have heard every pin drop,” confirms his famous mother and continues: “He looked at you, he looked at me and then said: ‘He has exactly your eyes’.”

Bohlen is said to have asked the boy: “Do you actually know why I married your mother?”, Said Verona Pooth. San Diego didn’t know. “It doesn’t matter, she just wanted my g …”, Bohlen is said to have almost uttered the word “money”. “We just … liked each other”, he finally got the curve. These sentences are said to have amused the other bus occupants as well.

Entertainer Verona Pooth (52), then still Feldbusch, and music producer Dieter Bohlen (67) were officially married from May 13, 1996 to May 27, 1997. She has been married to entrepreneur Franjo Pooth (51) since 2003. The two have sons San Diego and Rocco (9). Poothcast is the joint podcast from Verona and San Diego Pooth.
