Veterinarian Dominik Burger on the felling of the horse Jet Set

Sebastian Rieder from Tokyo

Dominik Burger, how big is the shock after the dramatic torn ligament and the euthanasia of the jet set?
We are all very concerned. The mood is very subdued. We are all very sad and humble. But the great sympathy and support from Switzerland helps us. We have received hundreds of messages from people who know how bad such an incident is. We experience a great solidarity here from many different countries, including people I didn’t know before. It’s very touching. Everyone wants to do something, but we are all powerless.

Not everyone sees it that way. There was much outrage over the immediate euthanasia.
The horse is not just killed because it is no longer needed, but I can understand the sometimes emotional reactions from Switzerland. But it’s a disaster for us too. From the outside it is difficult to understand that the horse had to be euthanized. Keeping it alive would have been much worse, however. At that moment, the animal’s welfare is top priority and as a vet I had to act accordingly. I don’t regret this decision for a second.